Managing Resources in

Our HR platform allows administrators to enrich the user experience by defining and managing resources. These resources can include links to useful external pages, internal documents, and, in the future, support for various file types. This guide will walk you through how to add, manage, and share these resources with users in your organization.

Adding New Resources
  • Access the Resources Dashboard
    • Log in to your administrator account.
    • Navigate to the 'Customization/Resources' section from the sidebar menu.
  • Create a New Resource
    • Click on ‘Add New Resource’.
    • In the form that appears, enter the following details:
      • Resource Name: Give your resource a descriptive name.
      • URL: Enter the web address (URL) of the link.
      • Click ‘Save’ to add the resource to your organization’s resource list.
Upcoming Features
Document Support: In the near future, we will be introducing the ability to add various types of documents as resources. This will allow administrators to share PDFs, Word documents, and other files directly through the HR platform.